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Can the vehicle be charged on rainy days?


Many car owners are worried that rainwater will penetrate into the battery during driving or charging, causing leakage when it rains. In fact, the state strictly controls the waterproof performance of charging piles, charging gun sockets and other components to avoid accidents such as leakage during charging. As far as the electric vehicles themselves are concerned, the on-board power batteries are waterproof and the charging ports are designed with insulating seals.

Therefore, electric vehicles can be charged on rainy days, but during the charging operation, umbrellas and other items must be used for shielding and protection, ensuring that the charging port and charging gun are dry, and keeping hands on when plugging and unplugging the electric gun and closing the vehicle charging cover. Partially dry. In case of severe weather such as thunderstorms or typhoons, try not to charge outdoors for personal safety first.
